Natural beauty
I don't know about my readers, but I have to work flippen hard just to step out the front door in the morning. My hair needs taming, my face needs covering and my tummy needs some sucking in. Yes I know it must look pretty "put on" at times, but it's either that, or it's... me. So for the sake of other's, it's the "put on" version. I don't know what natural beauty is, or if it's a real thing. How much of it is natural and what is my idea of natural vs the next person's idea of natural.
Today I've decided to do a post for those of us that lack a little "natural beauty". I'm not saying that we're not beautiful the way we are, but we all have that one, two, maybe three things we don't like about ourselves, but love on our favourite celeb. If you know what I mean, read on, this is for you.
The "fat" issue
This is by far one of the biggest issues in the world today. Mostly because if people aren't obese or anorexic (both equally dangerous and unappealing to the eye), they're of a healthy, normal weight and still hate themselves. Face it woman, we will never feel thin enough and we'll never reach that "goal weight". The key is to feel good about yourself as you are. It's time to start loving yourself. Look in the mirror and look past the curves you don't like while acknowledging the curves you do. Also, start dressing for your body shape. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes.
I have found that when I eat too much junk food and I start to feel bloated and sluggish, I start to feel "fat" and unhappy with myself, so my advise would be; try adding healthier things to your diet, without cutting the things that you love out. The moment I have to eliminate an item from my diet, I crave it. Don't eliminate, add. Also, exercise. I know, I know, it's sh*tty, you don't have the time, you don't have the motivation, you don't know where to start, every time you start, you just end up quitting. I know it. I come home from work and know I have to exercise, but let me tell you, the biggest obstacle of all, is that inner dialog your have right before you do, or don't exercise; "I've had a long hard day. I was stuck in traffic, look how much time I've lost already, I don't have time to exercise. I exercised yesterday, maybe my body won't notice if I skip it today. I know I had one too many cupcakes for lunch, but I did run up and down the stairs a few more times than usual." - if you're laughing, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And guess what, in the 20min it took you to experience this inner turmoil, you could have been halfway through your routine already!
Even if you feel like the exercise isn't doing much for your weight, it will do wonders for your self esteem, and, muscle weights more that fat!!
Dry brushing
Dry brushing does wonders for the skin. It detoxes, gives the skin a healthy glow by getting rid of all the dead skin cells, helps blood circulation (which in turn assists with skin tone and cellulite) and boots your immune system. This is something everyone should be doing and there is no excuse. Get yourself a body brush, and in a circular motion, brush the skin all over just before you pop into the bath or the shower.
Healthy hair
I'm sure you've heard the one about egg yolks in the hair? To be honest I've never tried it, but please feel free to let me know if you have and it's worked for you. I've heard of rinsing the hair with vinegar for a healthy shine, but who wants to walk around smelling like a fish and chips shop? At my last visit to the hairdresser, after my hair was washed, the hairdresser asked the lady washing my hair to rinse it with vinegar. She poured plain old white vinegar over my hair and let it settle in a bit, before finally washing it off. My hair looked fantastic, and they claim it is an age old trick. Try it. Let me know what you think.
Glowing complexion
I recently tried something I saw on Pinterest; wash your face. Take a teaspoon of olive oil, and rub into the skin. Steam face with olive oil still on, by filling the basin with boiling hot water and resting your head over it with a towel over your head. Once you've had a good steam, wipe excess oil off with cotton. Then make a paste with bicarb and water massage into skin, focus on blemishes (warning; this may burn). Once done, rinse off and then wipe face down with pure lemon juice (warning; this may burn even more). This, done twice weekly, will not only clear skin, but will even get rid of old scar tissue. The olive oil softens the scar tissue and blemishes once warmed up and the steaming helps it get in as deep as possible. The bicarb scrubs off those softened cells and the lemon juice will promote cell regrowth.
Another things you can do for your face: for acne, scrub face with a homemade paste of cinnamon(1tp), nutmeg(1tp) and honey. They say this is the fastest fix for breakouts.
That's it for now my beauty queens. I normally finish my posts off with a tip, but since tonight's post was full of tips, maybe you can send me a few?
Night night