Monday, 13 May 2013

Oily hair weighing you down?

Are you bright?
I'm an advert kinda gal. I'm sure most of you just re-read that sentence 3 times and still can't figure out what I mean. I love advertisements. I watch them like most women watch romantic comedies. I laugh, I cry, and when it's over, I spend the next hour pondering over what I've just lived through. 

I remember an advert that used to air on 94.7 when I was a teen. I must have been 15 or so. Now I've always had a bad skin - I started getting zits when I was just 10 years old - but at the age of 15, you start to notice boys, and that is when you start to notice a few things about yourself. This is very likely the only reason I remember this advert. It was an ad for an ointment designed for teens and their oily skin; "When someone tells you you're bright, do you automatically assume that they're referring to your intelligence?"

Oily skin is more than just a problem for your face. Yes, your pores are bigger and your make-up only lasts a half an hour, but it also causes a lot of people to have oily hair. I'm one of these sufferers. My scalp is dry, but the hair around my face and forehead always becomes oily because it's just so close to this oil-producing-organ of a face. Oily hair sucks. When I look at other people with oily hair, the first thing I think of is dirty. When last did this person wash their hair? Come to think about it, when last did they bath? And then I get a mental image of trying to bath a cat...
Yes, oily hair can say a lot for you, even if it isn't even really about you. 

Matrix Biolage; Oil control treatment
Don't even waist your money. 

What is this product supposed to do?
So the myth goes, if you have an oily scalp, and your hair is starting to look a little greasy, just spray some of the product on the scalp, and comb it through the hair. They say that it can be used on damp or dry hair. It purifies the scalp and minimizes the effect of oily hair. 

What does this product do?
Well, if you're really desperate, and you don't have time to wash your hair but you don't want to go out looking like you just woke up from a nap on Julius Malema's face (seriously, someone had that man some Garnier), then sure, I suppose the wet-look will do just fine. If people ask, just tell them that there is this organic farm, where you pay a sh*t  load of money to have your hair styled by this really artistic cow, and you even need to book your appointment 3 months in advance if you want to get in... You might just start something..

Or you could wash your hair, because you don't want people to worry that you don't bath. I think it must be pretty embarrassing to be minding your own business when suddenly the person next to you screams and hops into the air in a fit of smacks because they think they might of spotted something running on your scalp...

Use baby powder. Seriously. If your hair is oily, and you're looking for a quick fix, sprinkle some baby powder on your roots - not too much, you don't want to look like you have dandruff - and comb it through the hair. You might get a bit of static, but at least you won't look like you tried to masque with vaseline. 

Night night everyone, get some beauty rest, and remember cleanliness is next to Godliness