What next?
Hello my loyal readers! So I haven't posted anything in a little while, because just like everyone else, I've been a little preoccupied.
I was thinking of posting something about liquid eyeliners, but a very good friend of mine called me up and asked me to post something about stretchmarks - she's pregnant and stretchmarks have become a real and concerning factor for her. Now I normally only blog about products I have received and used. Although I like to share my opinion about beauty and the like, my blog is actually intended for the purpose of testing and reviewing products for your benefit, so that you know if it works and how it works, before you buy it.
Now I don't have any products specifically designed for stretchmark removal to review for you tonight, but I know that the stretchmark factor is an issue for all women, and maybe I have a few tips up my sleeve that can assist.
First thing's first
I just want to put this out there before we start, because I really feel that it's important to get the right message across; stretchmarks are normal and natural. They are as normal and natural as freckles and wrinkles. They come with exposure and age. The modern world has shaped our opinions of beauty to such an extent that normal and natural are no longer acceptable standards of beauty. Society has trained us to believe that we need to be so skinny that if you were to look at your naked reflection in the mirror, you would need to see some sort of bone (hip/ribs/collar) protruding or you're too fat. Society has taught us that even when you're 50 years old, you need to be blemish and wrinkle free. Society has brainwashed us to believe that freckles are blemishes, flaws, ugly...
Society has warped our opinions about what beauty is to such extreme, that when our bodies go though normal changes that come with age and exposure, we cringe and no longer feel sexy. Some of us never even get the chance to gain any sex appeal. We've stopped loving ourselves before we could even start. This is by far the saddest thing society has done for us - taught us that we cannot love ourselves as we are. What's worse that a nation of women who can't love and embrace themselves as they are? Worse than a nation of women who will never be good enough? To me, this represents a nation of women who'll settle for anything, because they don't believe they're deserving enough to fight for more.
What are stretchmarks?
Stretchmarks are a normal process, where when the body changes due to pregnancy or sudden weight gain, and the skin cannot cope. They are injuries to the dermis layer of the skin; elastin and collagen fibers in the skin, snap. If you don't want stretchmarks (that would be everyone now) then it would be in your best interest to avoid getting them first and foremost, and in order to do that successfully, you need to understand how you get stretchmarks. As I've explained, you get them from sudden weight gain. Don't let the word "weight" confuse you now. What I really mean is, sudden growth, which could come from gaining fat, sudden body changes due to pregnancy and puberty and even over doing it at the gym (gaining too much muscle mass too fast). Secondly, understand that this sudden form of "expanding", is a bit of a stressful experience on the skin. As some of these things are a part of life, and therefore pretty much unavoidable, the only other option is to try and relieve some of that stress that the skin is going to go though.
Avoiding stretchmarks... well as much as one can avoid them that is...
Think about it, if the elastin and collagen fibers are snapping due to the extreme pressure put on the skin, an obvious prevention tactic would be to add elasticity to the skin. If you know that you are putting your skin through a tough time, try and moisturise up to 4 times a day. They say that it works best with cocoa or shea butter. I know you hate to hear this, but please try and get some exercise in. Stretching and warming the skin up will help it cope with sudden pressure. Also, dry brush. Dry brushing will stimulate the skin cells, will improve blood circulation and will promote faster cell regeneration.
How about getting rid of already existing stretchmarks?
So you've read everything I've had to say about loving yourself as you are, and it caused you to puke a little in your mouth. And you've read everything I've had to say about preventing stretchmarks, which is all fine and well, but you already look like a road map, so this far everything I've told you is pretty much useless and you're wondering why you've even read this far. Well that's because you knew I was saving the best for last ;-)
When you notice a new stretchmark pop up - that bright red or purple "rip" that will appear on the skin almost over night - you need to tackle it right away. Firstly, DRY BRUSH. This will stimulate cell regeneration witch will help heal the scar faster. Moisturise. Chances are, that stretchmark started off small, and will be followed by more, so stop it in it's tracks. Exfoliate the area 3 times a week. This will help remove scar tissue, thereafter, apply tissue oil, this will also promote cell regeneration where the scar tissue has been scrubbed off for a better appearance once it's healed.
I don't believe that the skin will ever look the same again, but you can do your best to lighten the scars to a point that they're barely visible anymore. The scars will lighten as they heal, and exercising to tone up will help them appear smaller as the skin firms up. Your skin colour will be the ultimate reason your scars will be visible or not at the end of the day. The lighter your skin, the better, as the scar tissue doesn't have any pigmentation. Fake tans would probably reduce the appearance of them too if you have darker skin and want to flaunt your booty on the beach - I can't be sure of this though, I haven't tried it, so don't shoot me if it doesn't work for you.
Treat the stretchmarks as best you can, but don't let them ruin your life. I can assure you that when you are standing butt naked in front of your man, he doesn't see your stretchmarks, cellulite or muffin-top. He sees that he's gonna get lucky and that's all he needs to know. You're only as sexy as you feel, and the sooner we women realise that beauty isn't about being perfect, the sooner we can start loving ourselves again.
Night night my pretties ;-)